Know your Rights.
Defend your Freedoms.
Secure your Liberties.

We are in a battle for the lives of our children, our conservative values,
and our constitution. We welcome you to find out more about us.

Know your Rights.
Defend your Freedoms.
Secure your Liberties.

We are in a battle for the lives of our children, our conservative values,and our constitution. We welcome you to find out more about us.

Know your Rights.
Defend your Freedoms.
Secure your Liberties.

We are in a battle for the lives of our children, our conservative values,
and our constitution. We welcome you to find out more about us.

Meetings and Events

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More Unites Us Than Divides Us

United We Stand

Americans, regardless of party affiliation, want a fair economic system that makes it easier for low and middle income families to build wealth. We want everyone to enjoy better income, wealth, gender and racial equality. We want more affordable housing, health care and health insurance. We want an education system that offers every child a world class education regardless of family income or zip code. We want to feel safe in our homes, in our communities and when we travel.

Our differences are not in our goals but in our policies. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, Democrats have simultaneously controlled the State Senate and Assembly in 60 of the last 65 years. They have held the Governor’s office in 35 of those years and have enjoyed a super majority in the Senate and Assembly for a decade. Their policies are the reason California has the 3rd highest cost of living in the nation, the 2nd highest home prices and nearly the highest rents. Half of us don’t own our homes and face ever increasing rent. California’s policies are the reason that over a quarter of us live in or near poverty and why we rank 46th in income equality. We lead the nation in homelessness with 77% more homeless than second place New York. We rank 38th in K-12 education. People and business are deserting California in a mass exodus.

The solution to California’s failed policies starts with this seed of truth. Limited government regulation and free-market capitalism built the largest and strongest middle class in the world. They inspire innovation and entrepreneurship. They make it easier to start or expand a business, increase job opportunities, encourage competition, give consumers more choices and lower the cost of living. The greatest income, wealth, gender and racial equality are rooted in states and countries that embrace these principals. The best housing, health care and education systems are there as well.

Six decades of domination by one party is enough. Lifting up the poor and restoring the American Dream requires bold policy changes. Help us elect common sense, solution oriented leaders with the vision and passion to do that.

Register to Vote

In California, you can register to vote right up to Election Day.

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The Republican Tradition Since 1854

The GOP (Grand Old Party) has, from its very beginning, been the growth and opportunity party. We’ve always stood for the principals of liberty, justice and economic freedom for all. That includes being the driving force behind the abolition of slavery.

Vote in the Election

Vote Republican and support liberty, opportunity, and justice for all.

Upcoming events

Mark Your Calendars

The Yuba County Republican Party Meets the second monday of the month @ 526 E Street in Marysville.
Sutter County Republican Party Meeting
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